These lectures set out to do two things. The first isto provide a general introduction to twentieth century architecture and design.The second is to look, in some degree of detail, at key buildings thatillustrate the different (often very different) architectural responses tomodernity. Such an approach, while broadly covering the ideas of an era, alsoallows for the exploration of specific works.
There is a third concern: to examine the interconnectednessof history, theory, andpractice.
All lectures are on Wednesdays, in the lecture theatre, at 3.15pm.
21January: Discovering a Language.
Engineering and historicism in the nineteenthcentury. Le Corbusier. Towards a New Architecture. Possibilities provided by an‘empty’ language: the concrete frame. Five points of architecture. The freeplan. The Villa Savoye and other models: Villas Jaoul, Chandigarh, etc.
28January: Routes taken and less taken.
Construction and Architecture. The Crystal Palaceto the BarcelonaPavilion. Mies van der Rohe. The language of the steel frame. Space andtransparency. The Farnsworth House.
Expressionism and other languages. Bruno Taut’s GlassPavilion. Mendelsohn’s Einstein Tower.The Amsterdam School.
4 February: The Russian Experiment.
Tatlin,Rodchenko, and Constructivism. Malevich, Suprematism, and a non-objectiveworld. Visions of a new architecture. Konstantin Melnikov. The Melnikov House:revolutionary classicism, avant-gardism, and the vernacular.
11February: Radical Continuities.
Viennaas a theatre of modernism. Otto Wagner. The Post Office Savings Bank. Themachine aesthetic. Adolf Loos. Kayaksand bicycles. The Raumplan: a language for revolutionary conservatism. TheVilla Müller.
18 February: Holland and Avant-gardism.
DeStijl: a universal abstract language. Mondrian, and the dissolution of thefigurative. Theo van Doesburg. Gerrit Rietveld: the Schröder House and itsfurniture. The dismantling of the box. J J P Oud and social housing.
25 February: Industrialisation andRegional Identity.
Theinadequacies of an international language. Regionalism and the importance ofplace. Alvar Aalto. The Villa Mairia. Form, nature, and culture. Cubism andspace. Collage and architecture.
4 March: Symposium.
11 March: Organicism.
Chicagobeginnings. Frank Lloyd Wright and the idea of the organic. The Robie House.Falling Water: modernism and the hearth. Architecture and landscape. Other‘organic’ languages. Bruce Goff. Herb Greene. Paolo Soleri.
18 March: Post-war America andConsumerism.
Thetechnological inheritance of war. Charles and Ray Eames. The Eames House: anaesthetic from catalogue parts. A short film: The Powers of Ten. Other CaseStudy Houses: Craig Ellwood, Pierre Koenig.