目前分類:【好學生。練習題】 倫敦藝術大學(Chelsea Colle (5)
- Jun 22 Mon 2009 08:47
畢業展Graduate Exhibition -Part 2
- Jun 22 Mon 2009 06:41
畢業展Graduate Exhibition -Part 1
終於忙完浮出水面了~辦展覽囉~Chelsea College(Graduate Diploma Interior Design)Friday 19 June 2009 8am Breakfast View/ 6pm Private ViewSaturday 20 June 2009 10am - 4pmSunday 21 June 2009 10am - 4pmMonday 22 June 2009 10am - 8pmTuesday 23 June 2009 10am - 8pmWednesday 24 June 2009 10am - 8pm不過因為我忙到今天才抽空寫上新聞台,已經開展三天了,希望有機會大家可以來看看捧捧場~附上學校地址還有地圖,另外我們班在hand-in所有書本後,當天組裝展架的情形,每個人都掛著黑眼圈還有疲憊的身體在組裝IKEA?
顯得很妙因為我們班是在學校的宴會廳展出,Banquetting Hall,如果展覽東西你沒興趣,但是也請把握這難得打開的機會,近來看看歷史悠久的宴會廳,高級的地毯還有全木頭的火爐和很多的夢幻水晶燈,窗外就是泰晤士河,平常學校是專門出租給人家辦婚禮還有宴會,一天租金將近台幣15萬,所以我們可以在這裡展覽快一周,真的很感恩...
可惜經費很低,只能買IKEA的的組合櫃子,好在本班有個結構工程師 H先生,最後組合出這個奇妙的空間,把小小經費發揮到可以擺入50個人的作品,掌聲鼓勵鼓勵...因為一群各有主見的外國人混合一起,討論半天,還是組合不出任何東西,實在很好笑,也見識到外國人自主意識強卻沒有周密的先前計畫,到了現場大家拆箱後把IKEA的東西當成樂高一樣,1:1的大型家具當成小模型在玩,太神奇了,大家展現難得的團結!平常大家都分組上設計課,50幾個人實在是很難得共同作一件事,甚至是集合一起,總之~一切都是太神奇了~
最有趣的是,正式對外開放展覽的前一天,早上先有個Breakfast View.顧名思義就是早餐時間的展覽,學校邀請很多買家還有投資藝術家家的藝廊和一些校友以及VIP來參觀,並且提供無限量的早餐,我因為當天要來學校擺上我的名片才有參與到,很妙的情況,學校的平時的學生餐廳頓時變成有人服務的餐廳?站了很多西裝筆艇的"大人"可是都張牙五爪的在吃東西,當然,我們早上有去的同學也混進去吃啦~學費繳那麼多,喝她兩杯咖啡吃他幾個可頌,不傷大雅吧~可惜這些來挖掘新秀的買家,都是去看Fine Art還有Textile,似乎室內設計還是強調要經驗老不是年輕取勝~所以沒有所謂的"買家buyer"過來看,到是我去看Fine Art的展覽時,好多藝廊的買家在和學生談價錢留資料,看了好羨慕~果然外國很重視投資年輕藝術家這個產業,和台灣風氣差很多,似乎在英國學純美術不用擔心會餓死,反而是可以在最年輕的時候就可以開始有自己的事業??(心中羨慕吶喊中~)

而晚上是Private View,是需要邀請函才可以進入,學校當晚也把所有入口都封起來,只有一個出入口檢查學生證或是入場邀請函,很特別的經驗,然後大家準備大量的酒類,邀請好朋友和親人來參加,還有老師都會來,很類似慶祝大家完成辛苦作品的party~看作品的人不多,倒是都在忙著拍照喝酒還有聊天~感覺很棒:) 可惜我的爸爸媽媽沒辦法來,有點小感傷~我真的很高興~很難相信我竟然也有一天,可以用第二語言在海外完成學業,真不敢相信以前高中成績都是吊車尾,英文也沒有及格過的我,也可以有這樣的一天...(好想哭喔><),事實證明!只要有心人人都有希望!以下請欣賞照片~


如果您有在倫敦...歡迎來參觀我的們畢業展,我們Graduate Diploma的展覽區如下圖,在本校區學生餐廳那棟,標上黃色的那棟block,"Banquetting Hall",找到學生餐廳後詢問一下警衛先生,他會跟您說方向,我們再二樓,請注意看藍色的指標有寫Graduate Diploma Interior Design的標識,別懷疑推進去就是摟暗花明又一村。

- Feb 09 Mon 2009 23:00
*Chelsea College*免費看Tate Britain所有展覽~
只要憑這張卡看所有Tate Britain的展覽包含特展都免費,
有時候就跑去小奢侈一下享受 illy的豆子,培養一下氣質,
*Design Museum*
Tate Britain相關展覽
*Exhibition-Tate Britain*Altermodern
- Jan 19 Mon 2009 00:26
These lectures set out to do two things. The first isto provide a general introduction to twentieth century architecture and design.The second is to look, in some degree of detail, at key buildings thatillustrate the different (often very different) architectural responses tomodernity. Such an approach, while broadly covering the ideas of an era, alsoallows for the exploration of specific works.
There is a third concern: to examine the interconnectednessof history, theory, andpractice.
All lectures are on Wednesdays, in the lecture theatre, at 3.15pm.
21January: Discovering a Language.
Engineering and historicism in the nineteenthcentury. Le Corbusier. Towards a New Architecture. Possibilities provided by an‘empty’ language: the concrete frame. Five points of architecture. The freeplan. The Villa Savoye and other models: Villas Jaoul, Chandigarh, etc.
28January: Routes taken and less taken.
Construction and Architecture. The Crystal Palaceto the BarcelonaPavilion. Mies van der Rohe. The language of the steel frame. Space andtransparency. The Farnsworth House.
Expressionism and other languages. Bruno Taut’s GlassPavilion. Mendelsohn’s Einstein Tower.The Amsterdam School.
4 February: The Russian Experiment.
Tatlin,Rodchenko, and Constructivism. Malevich, Suprematism, and a non-objectiveworld. Visions of a new architecture. Konstantin Melnikov. The Melnikov House:revolutionary classicism, avant-gardism, and the vernacular.
11February: Radical Continuities.
Viennaas a theatre of modernism. Otto Wagner. The Post Office Savings Bank. Themachine aesthetic. Adolf Loos. Kayaksand bicycles. The Raumplan: a language for revolutionary conservatism. TheVilla Müller.
18 February: Holland and Avant-gardism.
DeStijl: a universal abstract language. Mondrian, and the dissolution of thefigurative. Theo van Doesburg. Gerrit Rietveld: the Schröder House and itsfurniture. The dismantling of the box. J J P Oud and social housing.
25 February: Industrialisation andRegional Identity.
Theinadequacies of an international language. Regionalism and the importance ofplace. Alvar Aalto. The Villa Mairia. Form, nature, and culture. Cubism andspace. Collage and architecture.
4 March: Symposium.
11 March: Organicism.
Chicagobeginnings. Frank Lloyd Wright and the idea of the organic. The Robie House.Falling Water: modernism and the hearth. Architecture and landscape. Other‘organic’ languages. Bruce Goff. Herb Greene. Paolo Soleri.
18 March: Post-war America andConsumerism.
Thetechnological inheritance of war. Charles and Ray Eames. The Eames House: anaesthetic from catalogue parts. A short film: The Powers of Ten. Other CaseStudy Houses: Craig Ellwood, Pierre Koenig.
- Jun 16 Mon 2008 05:52