詳細中文新聞可點選我英國網站原文:http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/resources/en/new...iwanesevisitorsVisa-free access for Taiwanese visitors to the UK from 3 March 2009 (09/02/2009)TheBritish Trade & Cultural Office (BTCO) today announced that from 3March 2009 Taiwan passport-holders who wish to visit the United Kingdomfor less than six months on business or as a tourist, family visitor orstudent visitor will no longer require a visa. Those wishingto stay in the UK more than six months, or to live, work, marry orstudy there on courses over six months, will continue to require a visaas before.The decision announced today is based on the world-wide review of visa regimes carried out by the UK Borders Agency in 2007-08. “Britainenjoys strong commercial and cultural ties with Taiwan”, DavidCampbell, the BTCO’s new Director said. “Lifting the visa requirementfor stays of less than six months will help to build on that to thebenefit of both British and Taiwanese people.”Taiwanesevisiting the UK after 3 March 2009 must still satisfy UK authorities atthe port of entry that they meet the admission requirements on arrivalin the UK. As with all those who can visit the UK without a visa, theymust carry with them in their hand luggage relevant supportingdocuments such as flight tickets, evidence of funding, letters fromsponsors or businesses they are visiting, or the school they plan tostudy at.The BTCO received over 28,000 visa applications in 2008. After 3 March 2009, that figure is expected to fall to 6-8,000 a year.
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- Feb 14 Sat 2009 06:18